Saturday, April 5, 2014

Thoughts from Matthew 4

  1. Don't tell a stone to become food simply because I'm hungry and because I can.
  2. Don't jump off a cliff to prove my protection from God even if He would send me protection.
  3. Don't worship a false god to achieve a God given vision even if the end seems to justify the means...even if the results would be immediate.

Who am I listening to? If I listen to and follow the Spirit, I will not go wrong.  I must not be thoughtless about these things though, as there is a deceiver roaming, and that spirit must be denied and commanded away.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Truth about love

Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it.  If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned.  Song of Solomon 8:7 NLT
There is a truth about love.  It comes from the Author of Love.  And it applies to all kinds of love: family, friends, partners, etc.  It will likely not look a whole lot like the love defined on the screen, or even perhaps like the love felt and observed from one’s own family, friends and acquaintances – depending...  But it is the definition of love and has the characteristics that its Creator exudes.
True love flows and cannot be quenched, drowned or bought.  Its worth is beyond measure.
No love is truer or more powerful than the outstretched arms of the most powerful.  He hung there vulnerably, giving us the option to reject.
At times I hang, vulnerably, giving others the option to reject. Yet love is.  Its characteristics remain.  It flows.  It cannot be drowned or bought.  Truest love is not an artificial sweetener.  Truest love is beyond measure.  It can be rejected but never stopped.