Continued from the previous post...
The trauma for the Israelites increased. Not only were Pharoah and his army coming after them but they caught up with them, while the Israelites were camped beside the shore of the Red Sea. We all know the story of the Red Sea parting to let the Israelites walk across, with the Egyptians following, and the Sea closing in on them after the people of God were safely across… But I had never noticed the significance of what exactly happened just prior to this famous event.
The Israelites look up from their camp and see the Egyptians right there. They panic (as I would have) and cried out to the Lord (as I would have), then yelled at Moses (as I would have) for bringing them out of Egypt, saying, “Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!” (Ex. 14:12 NLT)
What did Moses tell the Israelites? “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today… The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Ex. 14:13,14 NLT) Yes, that’s perfect! That’s the kind of God I want. One who tells me to just be calm, stand still and I‘ll take care of everything for you. Thanks Moses.
But, um, what did the Lord say to Moses? “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!” (Excuse me?) “Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground.”
Picture this dramatic situation, in order:
1. The Egyptians are closing in on the Israelite’s camp.
2. The people are crying to Moses.
3. Moses is instructing them to stand still and be calm.
4. God is saying, “Get moving!”
5. The angel of the Lord and the pillar of cloud are moving from the lead position – in front of the Israelites – to the rear – settling between the Israelites and the Egyptians.
Does God protect and rescue? Does that mean we’ll be sitting on our you-know-whats? God is not always an easy God to follow. There will likely be drama. And there will be ultimate victory! He may instruct us to “be still” at times, and at others He may say ask why we’re crying and not moving when He’s promised us victory?
Yet…how do I dare move forward? Please show me the spreadsheet that indisputably explains this success formula for me. This is so awesome... He places His very own angel between us and our enemies. He’s got our back when he tells us to go forward.
Does anyone doubt that we all have seas to cross in 2011? Each day may have little ones; we may have a handful or more of medium ones to cross; and there may even be a big one or two, as well. It’s time to be the children of God that we are called to be and get moving in God’s name – straight ahead on the path He will open in front of us. He’s got our back. His angel will settle between us and our enemies. We will not be drowned. This is the kind of God I want. This is the kind I've got.
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