Monday, May 9, 2011

God loves, therefore...

This week I would like to challenge anyone who reads this with a fun, little exercise. So here it is: Open a blank electronic file, or get out a piece of paper and a pen, and finish this sentence: “God loves me, therefore…”

This is to be a list – a brain dump, if you will. Don’t stop until you’ve captured every thought that comes to mind. There are no wrong answers...just let it flow from your heart and soul.

God loves me, therefore…

Once you’ve done the initial brain dump – stop. You can always go back and add more items later. For now, though, go back to the top of your list and read every item. What do you think? Are you living in the reality of the truth that you are dearly loved by God?

I can tell you I found that I wasn’t. Not completely, anyway… In fact, just reading my list changed the way I was thinking. And, I recently read that when thinking changes, feelings change. And when feelings change, actions and behaviors change. And when our actions and behaviors change? Well, provided it's for the better - that's when we change the world! And to think it all starts with a change in thinking... In this case, it started with a list.

So, here's my brain dump, in the order it spilled out.

God loves me, therefore...
I am whole.
I am complete.
I can love others, selflessly.
My needs are met.
My future is in His capable hands.
I will ultimately be okay, and in the interim, I have divine help.
It is irrelevant whether or not others love me.
I am ultimately unharmed by the evil around me - even the evil directed toward me.
Life is not about my good works, although those may, and hopefully will, result; it's about His love for me, and my love for Him.
I'm secure.
The future is safe.
I love Him.
This is not about me; it's about Him and His love, and His plan.
I can be vulnerable with people; they cannot harm me.
I can love others without being loved in return, because I have the Eternal, Creator God in love with me.
I cannot fall - only stumble - because He holds me by the hand.
My results are not what it's about.
My day's work is not where I get my significance.
I do not get my significance from others - I get it from God Himself.
I am free.
I can be who I'm created to be.
I don't have to live in worry or fear.
I can trust Him.
I can fail - He works it into a plan for good.
I can die, yet live forever.
I'm safe in His arms.
Evil cannot overpower me.
I can live outside of my comfort zone, yet be completely comfortable.

I'm wondering if my list looks anything like yours? And I'm wondering if your list began to change your thinking like my list began to change mine? This helps me see why it's so important to read God's Word, and to let the truths from it sink in and change our thinking...which changes our feelings...which changes our actions...which changes our world.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Ann. Really gives us something to think about.
