Monday, December 26, 2011

Am I foolish?

Loving Jesus Christ can make me seem a fool...and I’m okay with that. It’s actually what the Bible talks about in I Corinthians 3 and 4. Paul was talking to some of the early believers in Corinth when he wrote about his frustration that he can’t talk to them as he would to spiritual people, but rather he must talk to them as he would talk to people of this world. Why? Because they were still being controlled by their sinful nature...

Does that mean spiritual talk sounds like foolishness? Well, of course it can. We generally put high value on what we can see, so approaching Christianity – following Jesus Christ – from a physical, only what we can see point of view, can seem fairy-tale-ish, and certainly not like talk for thinking, reasoning people.

And when does spirtual talk sound wise? Well, like many things, it’s a paradox. When you begin to receive the wisdom of God - when it begins to sound wise to you - that's the time you begin to sound foolish to “the world,” at least from one perspective. Paul says (chapter 2) that “people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.” (vs. 14 NLT)

We just celebrated Christmas. And to many it’s simply a tale…like Santa Claus…a tradition that seems to enhance our otherwise rather cold, physical life. Yet to those who believe in Jesus, Christmas celebrates a beautiful, true story of redemption. A story that begins with hearing the facts about Jesus’ life, and, when eyes are opened by the grace of God, a story which ends with belief in an empty tomb and life eternal in a perfect place. A perfect place, which I can't help but suggest, each of our hearts longs for no matter what we believe...

Is this foolishness? To hearts and minds that have not been opened by God’s Spirit and grace – I would think so. But there are many wise people who have examined the case for belief in Jesus Christ from intellectual and historical perspectives and come away from that examination following Him. The evidence is convincing. Yet at some point during the examination of facts, spiritual eyes must be opened.

So this season I encourage you to know what you believe and live it. (I’m encouraging myself, as well...) If you believe in Christ, fully believe and take God at His Word. See with spiritual eyes and let His Spirit fill you each day. Follow Him.

And if you don’t believe, then fully disbelieve. Don’t let yourself think that you can accept the pieces that are most palatable to you, and leave the rest behind. Don’t be double minded, serving both this world, and yet trying to have a foot in the spiritual world, as well. An option like that isn’t ours to create/choose. If you disagree with this…I respect your choice to do so, but please don’t disagree without investigation and a prayer for spiritual truth (even an “if there is one true God...” sort of prayer).

As we head into a new year, it is my hope that your heart be drawn to Jesus. That your spiritual eyes will be opened, and you will experience the joy (notably not the same as “trouble-free life”) that will be yours in Him.


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