Thursday, January 19, 2012

This, my story... (part 4 of 4)

During this adult season of questioning – of challenging beliefs – the stakes of faith were raised higher, and the enemy of truth was fully engaged. The challenge was now more sophisticated, and had more stakeholders than the simple gym class dance. But strangely, it felt similar. At a basic level it came down to the core of my faith and what it’s staked on. Is my faith staked on Jesus’ death on my behalf? Or is it staked on something else, and/or something additional? Is it how my life looks to others? Or how my heart looks to God? Thankfully, I knew...I's about the heart.

And I propose that we are all trapped in dying bodies, although we are forever beings. We need to escape this destructive, evil-filled life for a glorious, evil-less future life. It’s the option I heard the essence of when growing up, and believe its truth today without any (perceived) human additions or tweaks. Now I realize that saying one has found truth (as I am suggesting here) is bold, and may seem incredibly arrogant. But is it?

I say that if one believes one has found such truth, it is comparable to finding a spring of pure, cold water in the middle of a hot, dusty desert. Not calling out “water” because you might offend those who might say, “Well, it’s a spring of cold water to you, but how can you say it is that for everyone?” seems ridiculous. Wouldn’t you risk calling out “water!” knowing how helpful it would be to a person dying of thirst. If they choose to ignore or refuse believing it really is water, at least you tried to tell them, right? When one has found such a spring, and it has nourished one’s soul without fail through all sorts of challenging circumstances, I would say to others, "Don't be so quick to doubt. What if there is a spring of fresh water?"

This is essentially what I’m trying to do with my story. I’m calling out “water!” It's why I feel compelled to write. I have one who loves me unconditionally, and never lets me go. I have incredible hope for forever. If you had this, wouldn’t you feel at least a measure of duty to try to share what you have found with others?

My Grandpa Revne said he dictated his stories from Africa “for my grandchildren and other young people." My story is for all who will consider and believe that they are trapped in a life that's temporal, and would like to trade it in for a life that's eternal and free from the current status quo we're stuck with. Jesus already paid the fee...thank Him, and ask for the credit to be applied to your life.

I look forward to hanging out with all who do - someday, on the other side.


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