Contrary to what many people think, Jesus wasn’t killed, even though He died on a cross. He gave up His life, or the cross never would have happened. His accusers, His enemies, were not able to take His life, though many think they did. This is a really crucial not to miss.
You see if Jesus was truly God’s Son, He must have power. And if He’s not God’s Son, then He’s a liar and I, for one, wouldn’t want to follow Him. In fact, I would be a fool to follow Jesus unless He is the Son of God. Without His deity, He’s a lunatic, and I prefer not to follow lunatics. So He had to have the power not to die...not to be killed, and He did have that power (read John 19). Not only did He powerfully die, but He’s powerfully alive. The tomb, and all the natural laws of biological science, could not contain His death.
But how do I know He’s alive? I know because He lives in and with me. His Spirit is my Comforter and my Counselor. His Word gives me daily food to sustain me, and His joy will not be traded for anything. Can I understand how all this spiritual stuff can be? No. But there are lots of things I don’t understand, which I believe in, such as love, hope, elaborate mathematical equations, astronomical facts, etc. The proof, for me, is His presence with me. A presence which cannot be understood unless it is experienced... And it cannot be experienced without belief.
Therefore, I hope that many will come to believe and follow Him – for their benefit. It’s the best decision one could ever make in life, and it’s the only decision that will ever matter in death. And despite what some people think, it’s not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of power – of faith in the power of God.
There is a weak sort of Christianity going around. A Christianity that has become a religion more than belief in a powerful, merciful God… I despise that religion for diminishing my Lord. Jesus was not killed on a cross; He went to the cross intentionally (for my sake), and powerfully gave up His life, and powerfully got it back again, and powerfully lives in me. Belief, with the very power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is not any old belief. It’s not just another religion. It’s a truthful, powerful way of life and death...with joy that will not be traded for anything.
If you can find someone better to believe in and follow, let me know. For of course there’s no box to check that says “I don’t believe in anything.” Choose this day who you will serve.
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