Saturday, October 22, 2011

Who is Jesus?

Lately, I’ve been reading through the book of John, and I’ve found myself wondering how many people in the U.S. really know who Jesus is? Do they realize the names He was called? Do they know the things He was accused of, ridiculed for, and eventually crucified because of? Here are a few things He did, and was called, according to John:
• Jesus talked to a particular woman, when it was politically incorrect to do so, much to the surprise of His disciples.
• Jesus broke the Sabbath law several times.
• Jesus talked about God as His Father even though it was dangerous to do so.
• Jesus was deserted by many followers because His message was too hard to accept.
• Jesus was called a fraud, a deceiver.
• Jesus was declared demon possessed.
• Jesus was called a Samaritan devil.

Do people really pause, consider, and determine to follow this Jesus? This one who was hated by religious leaders so much that He was called a devil?

Jesus said: “Why should you be angry with me for healing a man on the Sabbath? Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.” John 7:23 & 24 (NLT) Maybe we should try to look beneath the surface a little more… When I look beneath the surface of my own heart, it’s pretty ugly. Then I read the truth about me in Isaiah 49:16 (NLT):
“See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.”

Jesus wore my name on the palms of His hands - on a cross. He purchased my freedom from all the ugly things in my heart. My heart has been made new! This is who I follow. This is who gives my life meaning.

I’m incredibly honored to be a follower of Jesus Christ and all that He stands for. Who are you following?

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