Friday, August 17, 2012

Walls are identified

So I’ve discovered what the walls are – the ones I’m “praying down.”  (And likely, the walls you encounter, as well?)  You see, one day I decided it might be good to identify what the walls in my life actually are.  What am I truly seeking to remove in Jesus’ name?  (It might even have been desirable to know this ahead of time...)  Granted, I had no doubt that I was running into barriers of some sort…into something keeping me from a “promised land.”  But I hadn’t actually figured out what the walls were; I just felt confident they existed.

Well, now I know.  The walls are fear - every single one of them.

And identifying these walls has helped me recognize them more quickly, so that I can take appropriate action.  Now when a wall is detected, I command a “no fear” response in myself, enlisting the name of Jesus for the power to knock it down.  And do you know what has been happening almost every time?  The momentum turns.  Whatever “enemy” may have been cowering behind the wall either runs for cover or is caught in the light of truth.  Peace and strength move forward in Jesus’ name and for God’s glory.

I can tell God is using this particular truth in my life.  A wave of God’s unstoppable mercy, grace and power is being unleashed…  The walls of fear are crumbling.