Wednesday, October 5, 2011

God is stronger

Why would a conference begin with preaching about our “galactic God” and end by inviting certain people to stand and be prayed for and others to sit and be prayed for. I mean, isn’t that just like us humans? And why does this particular exercise bug me so? Perhaps because I was in the sitting group, and once again I felt like I was not one of the “good Christians.” Nevertheless, even so, why do I really care, I ask myself? If I don’t agree with the “exercise,” which I ended up sitting through, who really cares, and why should I? It’s not that big of a deal, right?

I can only answer this by saying that I think it was the tipping point for me… It was one too many restrictive boxes that people, and not God, have tried to put me into my entire life. It was the final human-built straw that broke my very spirit and sent me into the ladies room to have a good cry.

The pastor who conducted this final prayer “exercise” had good intentions, I hope…and I really do think he did. And perhaps it was a strategic exercise for some in a positive way. All I know is that evil tried to use it for my harm. It wagged its ugly finger at me one more time to try to get me to give up and shut up. And I refuse.

I may be a woman, and a divorced one at that… I may not be perfect; I've had to confess many wrongdoings in my life. And at the final resurrection I absolutely will be unable to claim any merit of salvation but by the blood of Jesus Christ. And I declare that I refuse to let the blood of my Lord be wasted! I am free from sin; I’m a slave of Jesus Christ and no one else. People can try to keep me in my “place,” and preachers may be able to keep me in my chair, but Jesus has elevated me to a status that no one can take away: redeemed! I am His treasured daughter, who can and does approach the throne of grace boldly to receive grace to help in my time of need.

I’m really, really tired of human structures and human exercises. Even though I hope and trust no ill intent was in play, I also know that ill intent was in play by forces unseen. Forces which wanted to derail me once and for all…which wanted me to give up and accept shame as my cloak. And I renounce those forces. My God is stronger. He’s galactic!

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